278 Front Street   PO Box 190   Hornepayne, ON    P0M 1Z0                                   Phone: (807) 868-2442

Copyright © Hornepayne Community Hospital 

Contact info

The Maintenance department, located off of the main entrance consists of two full-time employees.   The Building and Grounds Keeper will maintain, troubleshoots problems and organizes the Maintenance Department.   Ensures stock levels of supplies and adequate equipment are on hand.    Regularly inspects entire building for deficiencies and occurring problems.   He works with an assistant in maintaining equipment.    He reports to Supervisor on extensive or costly maintenance jobs.    He inspects sanitation, safety, and proper working condition of equipment.   Ensures all fire regulations, extinguishers, fire hoses, and alarm systems are working.

Coordinates and records periodic fire and evacuation drills, including off-hour drills.  He provides annual in-house fire/safety training on fire extinguisher use and general fire safety knowledge. 

He runs errands around town, post office, grocery store, and goes to the dump

He will, also, deliver meals-on-wheels and pick-up and drop-off patients with the Senior-friendly van.


Normal hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.


phone: (807) 868-2442  


807-868-2442 EXT. 5157